We’re proud to be recognised for the opportunities we provide for career development, training and secondment.
Continuing Professional Development Offer
We passionately believe that investing in our people is key to helping them provide practice-led services that are focused on achieving the best outcomes for our most vulnerable residents.
We have summarised the continuing professional development resources and services that staff can access, a link to the full document can be found at CPD Offer
The Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)
Social work is demanding. We know this, so we’ve made significant investments in a new Social Work Academy to help newly qualified social workers (NQSWs) develop the skills, knowledge and professional confidence needed to prepare for the demands of front line social work. You’ll have peer support and mentoring, structured learning linked to practice, protected caseloads, frequent supervision, action learning sets and protected study time.
- A dedicated manager
- A robust and relevant professional development programme
- Small group learning with peers
- Defined learning outcomes with plenty of support
- Masterclasses with practice leaders.
Learning, Development and Accreditation
You’ll have access to a wide range of learning and development opportunities, including:
- Internal training in key areas like strength-based practice, mental capacity, safeguarding, evidence-based decision-making and continuing healthcare
- Vocational qualifications like the Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care, and accredited Post-Qualifying modules like the Best Interest Assessor and AMHP qualifications through local Universities
- Leadership and manager development
- Work-based placements.
High Quality Practice Placements
We work in partnership with local universities to provide excellent work-based placements for students on social work degree courses. Final year placements will usually be in one of our operational teams, with opportunities for first year students in partner agencies in the voluntary or independent sector.